Pedogenic mud aggregates are identified in sheetflood sandstones from the Cerro Puntudo Formation (Anisian, Triassic) of the Cuyana Basin of central Argentina. This basin formed during the early rifting of the South Atlantic Ocean and filled with 6000 m of continental sediments. The Cerro Puntudo Formation is a 65 m thick sequence characterized by alternating stromatolitic limestones, mudrocks, shales, fanglomerates, sandstones, and tuffs, representing alluvial, fluvial, palustrine, and lacustrine systems. The pedogenic mud aggregates occur in ripple cross-laminated to trough cross-bedded, fine quartz sandstone and flaser bedded units that have a sheet morphology. Thickness of these units is on a decimeter scale and they can contain oncolitic clasts. These sandstone and flaser bedded units are interbedded with oncolitic to palustrine limestone beds. Interpreted as sheetflood deposits, the sandstones contain very thin mud lamina within traction-load sedimentary structures. Pedogenic mud aggregates were identified within these laminae in thin sections under a microscope using blue light. The distribution of aggregates within these traction load deposits signifies the mixing of pedogenic mud aggregates and siliciclastic grains as bedload during deposition during sheetflood events.