FRAGILE EARTH: Geological Processes from Global to Local Scales and Associated Hazards (4-7 September 2011)

Paper No. 5
Presentation Time: 15:25


RUPF, Isabel1, ANDERS, Birte1, BECCALETTO, Laurent2, DRESMANN, Horst3, NITSCH, Edgar1, TESCH, Jörg4 and ZUMSPREKEL, Heiko1, (1)Landesamt für Geologie, Rohstoffe und Bergbau, RP Freiburg, Albertstr. 5, Freiburg i. Br, 79095, Germany, (2)Geology Division, BRGM-French Geological Survey, 3 av. Cl. Guillemin, Orléans, 45060, France, (3)Dept. Angewandte und Umweltgeologie, Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie, Universität Basel, Bernoullistrasse 32, Basel, 4056, Switzerland, (4)Landesamt für Geologie und Bergbau, Postfach 10 02 55, Mainz, 55133, Germany,

The EU project GeORG (Geopotentials of the deep Upper Rhine Graben) aims at a transnational digital 3D model and database allowing statements about deep geopotentials, e.g. geothermal energy, thermal and mineral waters, CO2 sequestration and storage of compressed air. The 3D model has a size of approx. 270 x 50 x 6 km.

The Upper Rhine Graben (URG) is a complex rift and wrench system representing the central segment of the European Cenozic Rift System. The Cenozoic graben fill of the URG consists of sedimentary layers, salt walls and local volcanic rocks underlain by Mesozoic and late Paleozoic units. Due to changing kinematics, the URG is tectonically highly-deformed by normal faults and large strike-slip structures.

Modeling of the complex block tectonics is one of the challenges to the project. Around 2000 drillings, 5400 km 2D seismic reflection data, hydrogeological, and geothermal data sets and results of previous projects are used to generate and parametrize the 3D model. These input data sets have various sources and acquisition dates which have to be standardized and harmonized prior to further analysis.

Seismic analysis and 3D modeling is performed with SeisVision and Gocad. As the input data have been measured with different methods (drillings in meter below well location, seismics in travel time), building a velocity model is essential for a combined analysis. Faults, well recognizable horizons, salt walls, and volcanic bodies are modeled directly in time domain with the help of seismic profiles and wells. Horizons with poor seismic impedance contrasts are added subsequent to time-depth-conversion of the model by means of thickness distributions. This is especially applied for Mesozoic units. After the modeling of surfaces all objects are transformed into a volume model and parametrized with hydrogeological and geothermal properties. The presentation focuses on the 3D modeling workflow.

The final products of GeORG will comprise reports and publications with a wide range of thematic maps and geological cross sections. The maps will be published as web services and mapserver applications on the GeORG website ( GeORG started in October 2008 with French, German and Swiss partners and is funded by the EU programme INTERREG IV A Upper Rhine.