FRAGILE EARTH: Geological Processes from Global to Local Scales and Associated Hazards (4-7 September 2011)

Paper No. 1
Presentation Time: 15:40


MATSCHULLAT, Jörg, Interdisciplinary Environmental Research Centre, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Brennhausgasse 14, Freiberg, 09599, Germany,

Medical Geology or Medical Mineralogy and Geochemistry is an emerging field of our science that seems to develop largely unnoticed by many in the community. Is it really new? Does it address important issues? Do we need to “invent” yet another term for a research area in the geosciences?

These questions shall be addressed rather from a down to earth perspective than from a semantic and theory-of-science background. The review of current works will help to better understand and appreciate the topic and ideally to attract some more smart minds into this fascinating field of activity.

The year 2011 welcomes the 7th billion human and we expect the 9th billion person to be born around 2050. Such unprecedented population growth, combined with an increasing urbanisation, soil degradation etc. inevitably leads to mounting challenges for human health and wellbeing. The rising density of urban life, jointly with aging societies in many countries and extended life expectancies, require a broad array of expertise that the geosciences can deliver. Keywords for some of the topics that require intense attention and new solutions, range from artificial limbs, endo- and exoskeleton parts to smarter soil use with distinct support for agricultural production, food processing, and water management. Geosciences are in the centre of such challenges and can contribute greatly to minimize risks and to support a sustainable development for mankind.

Suggested reading

Dissanayake CB, Chandrajith R (eds; 2010) Introduction to medical geology. Springer

Finkelman RB, Skinner HCW, Plumlee GS, Bunnell JE (2001) Medical geology. Geotimes 11, 2001

Komatina MM (ed; 2004) Medical geology 2: Effects of geological environments on human health. Elsevier

Sahai N, Schoonen MAA (eds; 2006) Medical mineralogy and geochemistry. Rev Mineral Geochem 64: 332 p.

Sahai N (guest ed, 2007) Medical mineralogy and geochemistry. Elements 3, 6: 71 p.

Selinus O, Finkelman RB, Centeno JA (eds; 2010) Medical geology. Springer

Selinus O, Alloway B, Centeno JA, Finkelman RB, Fuge R, Lindh U, Smedley P (2005) Essentials of medical geology – impacts of the natural environment on public health. Elsevier

Skinner HCW, Berger AR (eds; 2003) Geology and health – closing the gap. Oxford University Press