South-Central Section - 45th Annual Meeting (27–29 March 2011)

Paper No. 3
Presentation Time: 1:45 PM


SEYFARTH, Alexander, BRUKER AXS Inc, 5465 E Cheryl Pkwy, Madison, WI 53711,

Archeological provenance studies are based on the ability to trace culturally modified objects back to their geologic source. Obsidian is a rare product of volcanic activity and has been used extensively by ancient man. It is generally brilliant black, but can sometimes be red or green. XRF and neutron activation analysis have been used to identify 300-400 separate compositions/sources in the Western Hemisphere.5 XRF elemental analysis alone is a good indicator of obsidian sources. This is an excellent application for portable elemental analysis. Typically Zinc, Rubidium,Strontium, Yittrium, Zirconium, Niobium, Titanium, Manganese, Iron and Barium are the key elements that distinguish obsidian sources. HH/PXRF can be used to measure these elements with good accuracy. The talk/poster will illustrate how to measure, calibrate and validate the set up of the instrument as well as to ensure data consitency with published sourcing data
  • Obsidian.pdf (885.5 kB)