South-Central Section - 45th Annual Meeting (27–29 March 2011)

Paper No. 2
Presentation Time: 8:15 AM


UDDENBERG, Matthew E., 1701 Deerfield Dr, Austin, TX 78741 and SMITH, Colgan B., 1510 Palma Plaza Apt. B, Austin, TX 78703,

Using a database of 700 wells within Crockett county, as well as statistical interpolation models such as Kriging and Natural Neighbors, an area of anomalously high geothermal gradient has been identified. This area roughly correlates to the Ozona and Brown Basset gas fields, a region with numerous plays and large production volumes of gas and water. In addition to significant water production a total of 90,031,676 bbls of water was injected into reservoirs within Crockett county during 2009 (Texas Rail Road Commission). The heat source is believed to be associated with multi-generational structural provinces in the region. The Oauchita thrust, to the south, created a series of response fault complexes north of its termination across west Texas. Bisecting the Ozona field is the Pecos and Val Verde fault zones, directly to the west of this region is the eastern extent of the Basin and Range province. A Geothermal Electricity Technology Evaluation Model (GETEM) developed by MIT was used to assess the economic feasibility of developing geothermal electricity from this region. Parameters considered in the model are: reservoir characterization, water production and injection values obtained from the RRC, binary turbine operating costs given by Pratt and Whitney and heat at depth given from the well database and statistical interpolation. This study determines the reservoirs with the highest potential for geothermal electric power production, with respect to technological and economic considerations.