Paper No. 1
Presentation Time: 1:30 PM
Clarence Edward Dutton (1841–1912), a Yale University graduate, served in the Civil War and, as a captain in the United States Army, was detailed for duty with John Wesley Powell's U.S. Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region, and later, the U. S. Geological Survey. He spent ten years in geological research in the Colorado Plateau region, studying its geomorphic and stratigraphic evolution, and coined the term “isostasy”. His monograph on the Tertiary History of the Grand Cañon District is renowned for its particular charm, with sublime landscape descriptions and superb illustrations. Later, Dutton undertook studies in volcanic geology in Hawaii, the Cascades and on the Colorado Plateau. Dutton studied the effects of the catastrophic Charleston Earthquake of 31 August 1886, and later engaged in irrigation research in the West. He critically reviewed many major geologic concepts, including causes of volcanism, earthquakes and, especially, orogeny. His pioneering work on stratigraphy, geomorphology, isostasy and seismology place him in the forefront of 19th Century researchers and reflected his ability generalize from field observations and formulate principles that constitute explanations of the observed facts.