A series of 1-D and 2-D impact calculations using CTH with ANEOS provided a comparison of melt and vapor determination methods. In the 1-D calculations, pressure, temperature, and entropy of melting for several materials and impact velocities were examined. Comparison between the P-S Hugoniots from ANEOS and the melt/vapor entropy used in Pierazzo et al.’s work verified that ANEOS and CTH are performing as expected. In the 2-D calculations, we recorded the impact melt and vapor mass determined from Pmax, S, and Tf from several impact velocities and materials. For verification with Pierazzo et al. results, initial calculations used no strength, gravity or porosity. Melt and vapor masses recorded from the Pmax and Tf methods agreed for most materials modeled. These results demonstrate that with a good EOS, both maximum pressure and final release temperature can be used to determine melt and vapor mass in an impact scenario. Because final release temperature can be used, multi-dimensional, strength, and porosity effects can be explored in more detail than with the Pierazzo et al. method based on Pmax alone. Future work will extend these properties to 3-D for better understanding of multi-dimensional effects, especially associated with impact obliquity.
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[3] Pierazzo et al. (1997), Icarus 127.