Using a two-step algorithm, we are able to estimate not just the number of extinction pulses, but also a confidence level or posterior probability for each possible number of pulses. In the first step, we find the maximum likelihood estimate of the extinction pulse locations for each possible number of pulses. In the second step, we calculate the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) for each possible number of pulses, and then apply a k-Nearest Neighbor classifier to the set of AIC and BIC weights. This gives us a vector of confidence levels for the number of extinction pulses — for instance, we might be 80% confident that there was a single extinction pulse, 15% confident that there were two pulses, and 5% confidence that there were three pulses. Alternately, we can state that a 95% confidence interval for the number of extinction pulses is (1,2). We demonstrate the method using datasets on Late Cretaceous ammonites, for which a simultaneous extinction is strongly supported, and Cenomanian/Turonian foraminiferans, for which a gradual extinction with several pulses is supported.