The radioisotopic calibration of the geological time scale is a work in progress. While entailing a major overhaul in methodology and foundational data, the calibration promulgated in GTS2012 is not necessarily more accurate than that of earlier time scales where there have been no new geochronological contributions. Dramatic increases over the past decade in the number of radioisotopic calibration tie points for the Carboniferous Period or the Permo-Triassic boundary contrast with moribund progress for much of the Early Paleozoic, the Late Mesozoic and Paleogene. Similarly, a surprising number of key volcanic ash horizons throughout the Phanerozoic have yet to be revisited with modern analytical methods like CA-TIMS (U-Pb), or single grain laser fusion (40Ar/39Ar).
The future holds much promise for a more highly resolved geological time scale as community-wide efforts at improved accuracy, precision, and intercalibration of chronometers bear fruit. In 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, a new generation of multi-collector mass spectrometers will soon be in widespread use. In U-Pb geochronology, all new time scale related ages will utilize a combination of CA-TIMS methods and EARTHTIME spikes and standards, most in tandem with cathodoluminescence imaging and in situ analysis via ion probe or LA-ICPMS. Key to the next decade will the integration of radioisotopic and astronomical dating methods—much like the efforts of the recently completed GTSNext Marie Curie Initial Training Network in Europe—as well as magnetostratigraphy and quantitative biostratigraphy.