The importance of pre-drilling, water-quality stream monitoring is magnified as drilling activity throughout the county increases dramatically. Shallow gas wells are present within the watershed boundaries, and there are three Marcellus drilling sites along nearby Mill Run Road and considerable truck traffic on Pete's Run Road and Route 144 that runs through the watershed.
Along with assessing visual conditions of the streams within the Hall Run watershed, team members collected the following field data: temperature, pH, TDS, conductance, ORP, DO, and flow rate. These standard field parameters provided the basic framework for characterizing the quality of the various tributaries feeding Hall Run. Laboratory testing yields additional data on TSS, aluminum, arsenic, barium, bromide, calcium, chloride, copper, total iron, TOC, lead, magnesium, manganese, nitrate, phosphate, sodium, and sulfate data. In addition, a Hydrolab Sonde (DS 5X) was deployed for a week to collect continuous data on temperature, DO, conductance, TDS, pH, ORP, and chlorophyll-a.
For each round of water sampling, the concentrations of these variables provided a snapshot of the watershed’s water quality. Over several sampling cycles, these data not only characterized the health of the ecosystem but also served to establish a trend in a baseline data set. Based on the field and lab analyses, we concluded that the water quality in the Hall Run Watershed met drinking water standards.