We developed an Introductory Oceanography course with an enrollment of 90 students to take advantage of the TBL approach and facilities. Teams are formed by the instructors during the first class session, with the goal of achieving a balance in skills and experience within each team. The course is divided into five modules corresponding to a textbook, co-authored by one of us, that has a strong active-learning emphasis. Each module begins with a “Readiness Assurance Test” that quizzes the class, both individually and in teams, on the major concepts in the readings. The remaining class sessions are devoted to completing short investigations in teams, who record their observations and findings on the whiteboards or laptops. We review these with the entire class and collect the team responses for assessment purposes. Other course components include on-line quizzes for each module using a learning-management system (e.g. Blackboard™) and occasional additional homework assignments. These are always done individually; the only team efforts are carried out during class meetings.
The results have been impressive. Attendance is typically 90%, and most students participate readily in the team investigations. The results of the investigations demonstrate a grasp of concepts that goes beyond the usual expectations of a general-education course. Performance on a traditional comprehensive final exam also exceeds that of comparable lecture-based courses.