The starting material is a quartz mylonite (grain size of 25 um) from the Moine thrust with a foliation parallel to the Moine thrust and an oblique foliation at ~45˚. The CPO is as follows: the c-axes form a single girdle inclined in the direction of shear with two maxima at ~30˚ to the Y-axis of the strain ellipse frame of reference. The a-axes form a maximum in the X-Z plane at about 40˚ from the X-axis. The experiments are carried out in a solid-media deformation apparatus (a Griggs Rig) at pressures, temperatures, and strainrates that enable dislocation creep to be the dominant deformation mechanism. In our experiments the mylonite is subjected one of two deformation geometries: 1) a sense of shear that is the same as the first episode of deformation; and 2) a sense of shear such that the a-axes maximum is normal to the new shear direction. In addition to creating over-printed fabrics, the experiments in the first group are designed to study the contribution of grain boundary migration to the CPO; whereas the second group is designed to investigate the effect of existing CPOs on the strength of the mylonite.