VNIR spectra of Taylor and Wright Valley lake samples show Fe2+ (electronic) pyroxene bands for less altered soils. H2O, OH bands and CO3bands are visible in more altered surface sediments. Mid-IR spectra show vibrational bands due to quartz, pyroxene, and feldspar. Orthopyroxene/clinopyroxene ratios are ~40/60 for most samples near Lakes Vanda and Brownworth. Element abundances from each ADV Lake are consistent with variable soil formation and weathering environments. Normalized K/Th ratios have a slightly wider spread than their potential source rocks, but K abundances are higher than those for Mars. To first order, different proportions of the potential source materials can explain the K/Th vs. K pattern for ADV lakes.
Soluble salt depth profiles of Don Juan Pond, Don Quixote Ponds and other locations show high ionic concentrations of NaCl. The next most abundant cation, calcium, is most likely linked to the remaining chloride and sulfate. Magnesium, potassium and nitrate are generally low. Don Juan Pond related dry ponds #4, #3 and #1 profiles demonstrate NO3-/Cl-increases related to increasing elevation. The distribution of ions seems to be dependent on multiple factors including climate, hydrology, and sediment age.
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