Dr. Philip E. LaMoreaux occupied a central role in the development of hydrogeology and environmental geology. He was known for playing a leadership role in many professional organizations and for training young geologists from around the world in these fields. Communicating with professionals and the lay public was very important to him as evidence of his serving for 20 years as Editor of the international journal Environmental Geology published by Springer Science and Business Media. He was also the author or editor of numerous technical articles, reports and books.
Dr. LaMoreaux began his career in hydrogeology with the US Geological Survey in 1943 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. His organizational abilities were recognized early on being promoted to District Geologist of the Ground Water Office in Alabama in 1945. He served in that capacity until 1958 when he was appointed Division Hydrologist in charge of water resources programs in the 14 state mid-continent area. In 1959 he became Chief of the Groundwater Branch of the USGS in Washington, D.C. In that capacity he strengthened and improved project management procedures.