Paper No. 3
Presentation Time: 9:30 AM


SANTIAGO, Natalia de Andrade, Institute of Geosciences, University Of Sao Paulo, Rua do Lago 562 - Cidade Universitaria, Sao Paulo, 05508080, Brazil, SALLUN FILHO, William, Geological Institute, State of São Paulo Environment Bureau, Brazil, 3900 Miguel Stefano Avenue, São Paulo, 04301-002, Brazil and LENHARE, Bruno Daniel, University of São Paulo, Geosciences Institute, 187 Florianópolis Street, Americana, 13478-470, Brazil,

The Intervales State Park (PEI) and its surroundings, located in the southern state of São Paulo (Brazil), contains one of the most important occurrences of cave and karst terrains. The karst region of southeastern and southern state of São Paulo and Paraná northeastern occupies a prominent place in Brazil by containing karst features and many caves. The largest karst areas occurs in the Ribeira Basin, as in the area of PEI, while the N-NW portion around PEI has the lowest karstification.

The ultimate goal to be achieved is the search for maps and data speleological throughout PEI and its surrounding area, in addition to mapping of selected caves to create a database. This work specifically gathered data on all previously selected caves in and around PEI, mainly composed by the maps of these caves found in all cave databases and caving groups. A table was created with data of all caves found and comprised mapping information, besides the database code, location, and extension of the year map.

From this search, the process of digitizing began with the maps selected of the caves as Sumidouro, Carioca 1 and 2, Fenda do Córrego and Toca do Felicio. The digitalization kept the most important data in the mapping of a cave, as its walls, river, speleothems, blocks, geological structures, etc, and the cross sections. There was also digitalization using AutoCAD software where the maps already completed are Toca Fogo, Carioca 1, Fenda do Córrego and Toca do Felicio. This digitalization was simple and included only the cave wall.

For the new mapping one cave was selected, the Pianos Cave, where the topography and structural survey has been performed and the collected information will be analyzed and presented later.

This work was supported by FAPESP (Proc. 2012/05632-2 and 2012/01424-6), Geological Institute and CNPq.