New technologies that are freely accessible assist faculty in connecting with undergraduate researchers on a regular basis when face-to-face meetings are not possible. Instead of passing back-and-forth a composition notebook that records data and observations, a research log can be created in Google Docs and shared between the mentor and student, so that both have unlimited and easy access to notes and can provide electronic, asynchronous comments and feedback. Synchronous discussions have moved beyond phone calls and can now be conducted with Skype or a Google Hangout, the latter providing the ability to edit a Google Doc the same time the Hangout is taking place. The faculty mentor and student researcher can create, share access, and add updates to their research timeline with a Google Calendar, and/or utilize social bookmarking sites, such as Diigo, and online bibliographic programs, such as Zotero (for additional examples, see SERC’s On the Cutting Edge Undergraduate Research as a Teaching Practice website for Social Media in Undergraduate Research: Many of these tools and practices can be helpful for mentoring residential students, but with the limited time non-residential students spend on campus, complicated by demands from family and employment outside of school, new online tools have allowed commuting students to have successful and rewarding undergraduate research experiences with effective mentoring.