Paper No. 2
Presentation Time: 9:20 AM
Linkage of environmental and health data is a critical component of epidemiological analysis. When the available spatial information in health records is insufficient, manual assignment of geographic coordinates at a fine resolution, such as the street address- or Census tract-level, is a resource-intensive process. Geographical imputation is one possible solution, with potential to improve data processing time and minimize ecological and other biases. Few studies have assessed geo-imputation impacts on exposure assessment and exposure-disease associations in an epidemiologic analysis. To do this, we conducted a case-crossover analysis of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and respiratory disease after applying a probabilistic geo-imputation procedure. Hospitalization data were partially geo-imputed to Census tracts in 1000 iterations based on population density, age, and racial/ethnic distributions in randomized and non-randomized scenarios. Exposure to ambient PM2.5 distributed across a 12km grid surface was assigned to individuals in a Geographic Information System based on actual and imputed address coordinates. Epidemiologic metrics included the distribution, sensitivity, and specificity of PM2.5 exposure, and the ratio measure of association (Hazard Ratio (HR)). Geo-imputed data yielded non-significantly higher mean PM2.5 exposures and estimates of the exposure-disease association (HRs<1% higher for imputed data), but with overlapping confidence intervals. Results suggest that the specificity of binary exposure indicators following imputation is good (90.5-99.8%), supporting probable non-differential bias in HRs. Sensitivity was lowest for dichotomized concentration values at the high end of the PM distribution (62.4-87.7%). Overall, geo-imputation had minimal impact on the distribution of exposure, the validity of exposure assignment, and ratio effect measures. Given its advantages and nominal influence on epidemiological outputs, geo-imputation is a candidate method to reconcile health data with limited spatial attributes for linkage with ambient PM2.5. Further evaluations should determine if the results are robust to inclusion of different ambient exposures or those at coarser geographic scales.
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