We have created virtual specimens and georeferenced them on Google Earth using a variety of methods. We first scanned hand samples of rocks, minerals, crystals, and fossils using a NextEngine 3D laser scanner, converted them to COLLADA models with the Digital Asset Exchange format, and imported them into Google Earth using both the desktop application’s model function and the Google Earth web browser plug-in and API. In the latter case, specimens are manipulatable with Javascript controls.
This approach works well but is limited by hardware and time requirements. We developed an alternative technique using camera images taken from multiple directions and assembled using Google (now Trimble) SketchUp. This was low-cost but was cumbersome for all but the simplest of specimen geometries. However a new development has radically improved the photographic method. Using Autodesk 123D Catch, a virtual specimen can be made with ease, based on 20 - 40 photographs. Editing can be done within Catch or in a third party modeling program such as MeshLab. After conversion from 3dp to dae file format, models can be georeferenced into the Google Earth terrain.
An advantage of virtual specimens is that they can be any size. Whole outcrops or landscape segments can be treated as if they were hand specimens. Given the ease with which non-technical users can now create virtual specimens there is an opportunity for crowd-sourcing to create a vast, worldwide, georeferenced geological specimen collection.