South-Central Section - 47th Annual Meeting (4-5 April 2013)

Paper No. 16-7
Presentation Time: 3:50 PM


MCCALL, Linda Ruiz, Texas Water Development Board, 1700 North Congress Avenue, P.O. Box 13231, Austin, 78711-3231,

The 2012 State Water Plan for Texas delivered a clear and sobering message. In serious drought conditions, Texas does not have enough water. In a state that continues to face rapid population growth and declining water supplies, water conservation strategies are critical for meeting the long-term needs for Texas. In efforts to promote water conservation, TWDB has developed several education and outreach resources and initiatives including school-based programs. In this discussion, I will report on how these K-12 school programs, which are posted on the web portal TWDB Kids, are being used to teach water conservation and engage the next generation of geoscientists statewide.

School-based water education is recognized as a best management practice in water conservation. Lessons learned by students about groundwater, watersheds, water protection, water treatment and delivery, and good water use habits are often shared with their families. TWDB partners with water management entities such as groundwater conservation districts, river authorities, and municipalities to implement school-based educational programs. Not only do these water conservation programs engage students through place-based learning about a resource that is critical to their survival, but the newest educational resource for high school students,, challenges students to develop a deeper level of learning through project-based learning where students take on the role of research scientists.