We use this model to quantify the hydrologic changes observed in a recently published ostracod valve dataset from the Cretaceous Songliao Basin, northeast China. Spanning the Upper Cretaceous, the ostracod valves were measured at < 3 m resolution through lacustrine facies of the SK-1 drill cores. The Cretaceous Ocean Anoxic Event 3 (OAE 3) and the top of OAE 2—events of probable, rapid CO2 increase—are recorded in the Songliao Basin. Additionally, this lake record demonstrates large excursions and variations in δ18O, typically associated with temperature or runoff driven hydrologic variability. Focusing on a short (< 5 Myr) portion of the ostracod record, we find that during OAE 3 the Songliao Basin watershed experienced an ~ 3 °C increase in temperature and an ~ 10 % increase in runoff. Incorporating equations to also describe the 87Sr/86Sr variations over > 5 Myr timescales we find that the modeled shift in source area contributions to the lake is consistent with outcrop evidence. The modeling approach presented in this study can be applied to other terminal lake records, could be modified for other calcifying species (i.e., gastropods or mollusks) or inorganic lacustrine carbonate, and holds promise for extension with additional proxy measurements (i.e., δD or U/Ca).