Work on subduction zone C cycling is best done for individual margins for which we have the greatest constraints on subduction geometry, lithologies entering the trench (and their chemical and isotopic compositions), accretionary/erosional character, and thermal structure. An analysis of the Central America margin considering C arc output flux estimates from de Leeuw et al. (2007; EPSL) indicates that, at this margin, a large fraction of the initially subducting C (perhaps as much as 50%) is delivered into the mantle beyond the subarc. On a global basis, the oxidized:reduced ratio for C currently delivered into subduction zones (in sediment, AOC, and carbonated ultramafic rocks) could be ~4:1, resulting in an influx with bulk δ13CVPDB near -6‰ (Bebout, 2007; Treat. Geochem). However, the oxidized:reduced C ratio and thus the bulk δ13C of the subducting slab varies considerably among modern margins (e.g., oxidized:reduced ratio of ~11:1 for Central America; Li and Bebout, 2005; JGR) and both can be modified by differential metamorphic C release from the two reservoirs.
Work to date on chemical cycling in HP/UHP rocks has been conducted largely on rocks from cool forearcs (15-90 km depths). Our work points to the need to better understand the roles of higher-T devolatilization, partial melting, and carbonate dissolution in releasing C from (and otherwise geochemically modifying) subducting slabs at depths of ~80-100 km where they experience heating by exposure to the convecting mantle wedge (see the recent thermal modeling by van Keken et al., 2011; JGR).