The seminar’s format consists mostly of a mix of technical instruction in photography, sharing and discussion of images, and selection and preparation of the images and labels for display. We also take several short local field trips. Besides field trips, most of the geology integration occurs during photo sharing when the instructor can point features out in individual photographs and steer the discussion towards geology. The geology discussion ranges widely, from course topics to more advanced concepts that would otherwise never surface during the main lecture. Image preparation consists mostly of writing and editing an interpretive museum label, a process that requires the student to articulate the geological significance of their work for a broad audience.
Based on evaluations, students greatly enjoy the seminar, its increased interaction with their instructor, and their improved facility with the digital camera. However, only a handful of the introductory students reported that it actually taught them much about geology specifically, although nearly all of them reported that it made them significantly more aware of geology in their surroundings. The geology majors from the structure class were especially enthusiastic with their reviews, commenting that the photography aspect gave them more of a “mission” while on field trips.