2014 GSA Annual Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia (19–22 October 2014)

Paper No. 335-7
Presentation Time: 2:35 PM


PASSEY, Benjamin H.1, LEVIN, Naomi E.2, JI, Haoyuan1, LI, Shuning1 and HU, Huanting1, (1)Earth and Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, 301 Olin Hall, 3400 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218, (2)Earth and Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218

The study of triple oxygen isotope variations in the hydrological cycle and atmosphere has progressed significantly in the last ten years, although largely under the radar of the community studying terrestrial paleoenvironments and paleoelevation. However, new analytical methods now permit high-precision triple oxygen isotope analysis of carbonates, hence extending triple oxygen isotope applications into the continental sedimentary record. We discuss the potential for triple oxygen isotopes to be used alongside traditional δ13C, δ18O, and Δ47 (clumped isotope) data to help refine paleoelevation and paleoenvironmental interpretations.

The triple oxygen isotope deviation (or "anomaly"), Δ17O = ln(δ17O + 1) – λ*ln(Δ18O + 1), describes the departure of δ17O from an expected or arbitrary relationship with δ18O, represented by λ (here λ = 0.528, the slope of the global "triple oxygen isotope" meteoric water line). Evaporative processes have fractionation slopes λ that are lower than 0.528, leading to decreased Δ17O values of residual waters, while equilibrium fractionation between liquid water and water vapor carries a slope of 0.529, leading only to subtle variation in Δ17O. In addition, atmospheric O2 carries a distinctly low Δ17O value that is related to stratospheric photochemistry and global carbon cycling.

In studies of paleoelevation and paleoclimate, the primary δ18O of meteoric precipitation is often sought because of its relationship with elevation and climate. However, the lake and soil waters from which carbonates grow may be evaporatively enriched in 18O relative to primary meteoric waters. Evaporated waters should be marked by low Δ17O values, and the combination of δ18O, Δ17O, and Δ47 data will permit more accurate reconstruction of δ18O of meteoric precipitation.

In paleoecology and paleoclimate, the δ18O of vertebrate biogenic carbonate (e.g., mammalian tooth enamel) is often interpreted in terms of δ18O of meteoric water or aridity. Δ17O is sensitive to the effects of evaporation, and thus will help disentangle the effects of meteoric water δ18O and aridity on vertebrate oxygen isotope compositions. Finally, greenhouse carbon cycles should be marked by anomalously low Δ17O (atmospheric O2) signals, and these will be reflected in vertebrate biogenic carbonate Δ17O compositions.