Using distinct-element models, we tested this simpler theory over a range of wedge strengths and structural styles. We also obtained W & F from observations of surface slope α and detachment dip β in active natural systems, all of which including the numerical models, show wedges are strong but detachments are weak, with F/W=0.1 or less.
Model-derived W & F vary about a mean that matches geometry-derived values. Time- and spatially-averaged dynamical F & W are observed to be equal to wedge-derived results. Critical taper reflects the dynamical strengths during wedge growth and is controlled dynamically as base friction varies between an assigned quasi-static value and lower values during slip events. In the wedge, W varies more than F, which may also be true for natural systems. Detachments have frictional stick/slip behavior on a basal wall, but the wedge has more going on within it. Tandem faulting & folding serve to simultaneously weaken and strengthen the wedge, and may occur anywhere: structural style may be important to wedge strength evolution.
Relationships between α and W & F are complex. All sudden, stepwise changes in α, W & F with time coincide with spikes in seismicity in the models. Large events either trigger or are triggered by large changes in F and W. Here we examine the complex details of the dynamically-driven changes in W & F by close monitoring of models at single time-step resolution. We consider the whole wedge but also indiviudal vertical swaths of the wedge where we can monitor subsets of W, F and α to determine how and why W varies during wedge evolution, specifically focusing on the role of evolving structures and overall structural style on wedge strength.