3D visualization of contaminant transport was accomplished by generating volumetric geologic and plume models. Using well boring logs, geophysical data, and downhole bedrock logging, a 3D geologic model of the Farmhaven Brook Fault Zone (overburden and bedrock lithology) was constructed in MVS, incorporating the fault structures and the dipping and fractured bedding planes. Groundwater chemistry data from monitoring wells generated representative 3D dissolved solvent plumes by applying kriging techniques in MVS.
Simultaneous display of both the geologic and plume models within MVS visually illustrated plume migration along the fractured bedding planes, position of subcropping discrete fracture zones, plume convergence areas, and the lithologic influence on plume geometry. The geostatistically rendered plume geometries showed a strong correlation to the location of steeply-dipping extensional fractures. In the vicinity of the steeply-dipping fractures the plume geometry is oriented more vertically, displaying the vertical gradients induced by the fractures. Areas with similar vertical plume geometry indicate existing preferential pathways and possible locations for unmapped steeply-dipping fractures. The ability to display volumetric plume models within a 3D geologic model provided a powerful tool in understanding contaminant transport in the Farmhaven Brook Fault Zone and has provided insight to possible unmapped fracture zones.