South-Central Section - 48th Annual Meeting (17–18 March 2014)

Paper No. 2
Presentation Time: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM


TRIESCHMANN, Ben, Geosciences, University of Arkansas, 216 Ozark Hall, Fayetteville, AR 72701, SUAREZ, Celina, Department of Geosciences, University of Arkansas, 113 Ozark Hall, Fayetteville, AR 72701, SUAREZ, Marina, Dept. of Geological Sciences, U. of Texas, San Antonio, 1 UTSA Circle, San Antonio, TX 78249, YOU, Hailu, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 142 Xizhimenwai Street, Beijing, 100044, China and LI, Da-Qing, Third Geology and Mineral Resources Exploration Academy, Gansu Provincial Bureau of Geo-exploration and Mineral Development, 121 Langongping Street, Lanzhou, 730050, China,

By analyzing stable isotopes of carbon and oxygen from vertebrate fossils, terrestrial climate and environment will be constrained for the early Cretaceous (Valanginian-Albian) Hekou Group from Gansu Province, China. Tooth enamel from Lanzhousaurus magnidens will be analyzed for δ18Op, δ18Oco3 and δ13C co3. These values will be used to calculate δ13C of diet which will in turn be used to estimate mean annual precipitation (MAP). δ18Op will be used to determine drinking water source. δ18O of turtle shells and crocodilian tooth will be analyzed to determine the oxygen isotopic composition of meteoric water (δ18Ow). Calculated δ18Ow will be used in conjunction with measured fish δ18Op to give the mean annual water temperature fish were living in.

The average δ13CCO3 and δ18OCO3 values for the Lanzhousaurus second dentary tooth are -6.06±0.35‰ VPDB and 24.32±1.24‰ VSMOW respectively. Phosphate δ18O averages for the second dentary and second maxillary tooth are 19.89±1.64‰ and 21.10±1.15‰ respectively. Crocodile tooth δ18Op = 12.3±0.2‰ VSMOW, while the turtle shell δ18Op = 13.0±0.4‰, and the fish scale δ18Op = 16.0±1.1‰. Calculated δ18Ow values using crocodile and turtle δ18Op yield meteoric water values from -8.9‰ (crocodile) to -9.2‰ (turtle). Using these water values and δ18Op-fish, calculated water temperature in which the fishes, turtles, and crocodiles lived in ranges between 4.1to 5.2± 2.6°C, implying very cold water, which could imply bottom dwelling fish or that diagenesic alteration to phosphate. Using d13Cco3, estimated d13Catm= -5.8‰ and a paleolatitude of 25°N, average MAP was 295.7 mm/year, implying an arid/semi-arid environment.

This study will contribute toward a better understanding of the paleoenviroment, paleoecology, and paleoclimate of the early Cretaceous mid-latitude of Asia.