2015 GSA Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, USA (1-4 November 2015)

Paper No. 31-2
Presentation Time: 9:00 AM-5:30 PM


Some approaches in today's globalized world, point more to the dominance of private interest over public interest without any regard to events and geological phenomena that may affect the health and mental health of many people due to a dichotomy among geological scientists, public administrators and political scientists as main players in areas of geohazards, mining without control, and more. Most geological events have advantages and disadvantages, which have gone unnoticed by governments of some societies.

There has been an attempt to build a bridge between professionals in these three areas of human knowledge which have been studied in an academic way, practiced and also there has been some following of them during several disturbing, with the aim of finding points of interest. As a result of the analysis of this doctoral thesis appears as suggestion the need to intensify the interaction of these professions under the statement far from rhetoric, closer to reality.

Scientific geologists, administrators and political scientists differ in the design of definitions and make decisions without consulting each other to adjust public policy necessary to mitigate negative impacts.

The current global trend is nothing more than a demonstration of power groups united by ties of business, friendship, commerce, sport, entertainment, family, research, modeling, planning, politics, profession, recreation, region, religion, etc., closed groups although technological networks connected by conceptualizing the world is only an electronic apparatus and machines where budgets are created with the purpose to improve them. It is still time to highlight the need to operate together the professions mentioned reducing risk with low budgets to be more effective and efficient through mitigation of negative both nature and anthropic impacts as well every day