Two Raman peaks appear to be best suited for GeoBaRamantry applications: the 568 cm-1 and 600 cm-1 peaks. The ambient peak positions appear to shift with changes in XFe, but analysis of more Fe-rich samples is necessary before the composition dependence can be quantitatively determined. Pressure dependence of these peaks, however, is roughly linear and can be represented by the equations
Pint (GPA)=0.3371Δs568-0.0195
Pint (GPA)=0.4282Δs600+0.0224
where Pint is the internal pressure of the epidote inclusion (precision = ±0.09GPa) and Δs is the shift of the respective Raman peak relative to the peak position at 1 atmosphere.
These calibrations have been applied to measurements from two samples to determine the internal pressure of epidote inclusions in garnet. A thermoelastic model was then applied to determine the pressure of epidote entrapment and hence garnet growth. The composition effect on the epidote peak positions can be mitigated by using the peak positions of an epidote grain in the matrix as a baseline. This approach assumes the composition of the epidote inclusion is the same as that of the matrix grain, which may not always be the case.
Sample TM-730 is a garnet-staurolite-kyanite pelitic schist from central Vermont that yields an entrapment pressure of 10 Kbar at 550°C. This pressure is higher than previously published results of 7 Kbar but is consistent with inferred pressures of entrapment from QuiG barometry on nearby samples. Sample SPH99-7 is a blueschist from Sifnos, Greece that yields a pressure of 32 Kbar at an assumed temperature of 500°C. This result is much higher than the previous 22 Kbar estimate using traditional geothermobarometry and QuiG barometry. These discrepancies may be a function of the overstepping of garnet producing reactions as a result of thrust faulting in central Vermont and subduction in Greece.