2015 GSA Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, USA (1-4 November 2015)

Paper No. 14-11
Presentation Time: 10:55 AM


WINFIELD, DeMichael D., Biological and Environmental Sciences, Georgia College and State University, 115 Bay Valley Drive, Milledgeville, GA 31061, demichael.winfield@bobcats.gcsu.edu

Groundwater has continued to grow as a source of drinking, irrigation and industrial cooling water in the US and the rest of the world. Even in the state of Georgia, where a lot of drinking water comes from surface water bodies, a number of families and farm operations rely on groundwater for their water needs. It is, therefore, important that this resource be protected and remediated whenever contaminated. This study continues an investigation of both surface and groundwater contamination at Salamander Springs Farm. Salamander Springs is a 50-acre permaculture farm on the border of Jones and Baldwin Counties, GA. Along with water quality parameters (dissolved oxygen, air temperature, water temperature, conductivity, and pH), fecal coliform, nitrates, phosphates and chlorine were tested in groundwater and surface water. Except for one groundwater discharge spring, all water samples collected to date have tested positive for fecal coliform bacteria. One site along the stream had elevated level of chlorine (27 ppm) that is not expected in the natural environments. Nitrate levels were all within the normal range while phosphates were higher at some locations on the farm. Dye tracing along with GIS modeling was used to track the potential paths contaminants can take throughout the water system. The neighboring land has recently been clear-cut, so nitrate and phosphate run off may begin to occur. Water quality monitoring is being continued and models of the surface and groundwater systems on the property are being developed in order to better understand the system.

Further investigations are being conducted both on the farm and off property. A contaminant transport model is being made to illustrate the source of contamination as well as how it will move through the system. Additional water quality data will be collected to determine if the clearcutting of the adjacent land as well as other factors are affecting the water system.