2015 GSA Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, USA (1-4 November 2015)

Paper No. 17-15
Presentation Time: 11:45 AM


RASS MASOOD, Farhat, Botany, University of the Punjab, Quaid e Azam Campus, Lahore, Pakistan, Lahore, 54590, Pakistan, farhatrmasood@gmail.com

Middle Triassic rock samples from Salt Range, Pakistan were examined palynologically. Rich assemblage of palynomorphs was recovered. In the Salt Range, Pakistan Middle Triassic Sediments (Tredian Formation) are well exposed and consist of two members i.e., Lower Landa Member and upper Khatkiara Member. Lithologically Landa Member is predominately sandstone and shale with ripple marks and slump structures, while Khatkiara Member shows dominance of massive, thick bedded, white sandstone.

Palynoflora recovered from Tredian Formation was highly diversified tentatively indicating the existence of six major plant groups viz; Ferns, Lycopods, Conifers, Glossopteroids, Cycads and Equisetales during the depositional phase of Middle Triassic Sediments in Salt Range. Some miospores had restricted range of occurrence within the three examined sections of the Tredian Formation and were subsequenctly considered stratigraphically significant, viz; Plicatipollenites gondwanensis, Sulcatisporites institatus, Striatoabieites borealis, Apiculatisporis setulosus, Convolutispora fromensis, Kraeuselisporites rallus, Nevesisporites fossulatus, Lophotriletes parryensis, Goubinispora morondavensis, Goubinispora indica, Calamospora flexilis, Protohaploxypinus kaykai , Marsupipollenites triradiatus, Osmundacidites senectus, Verrucosisporites microtuberosus, Alisporites plicatus, Vitriesporites pallidus, Raistrickia aculeolata, Granulatisporites pannosites, Cyclogranisporites aureus, Lundbladispora obsolete and Camptotriletes bacculentus. Four assemblage zones were recognized in ascending order i.e., I- Apiculatisporis – Convolutispora Assemblage Zone , II- Lophotriletes – Goubinispora Assemblage Zone, III- Granulatisporites – Raistrickia Assemblage Zone and IV- Calamospora – Verrucosisporites Assemblage Zone.

  • Palynostratigraphy of Middle Triassic Strata of Salt Range, Pakistan.pdf (3.6 MB)