In Mercury’s mapping scheme, the Caloris basin crosses four quadrangles: H-3 Shakespeare (21º-66°N, 90º-180°W), H-4 Raditladi (21º-66°N, 180º-270°W), H-8 Tolstoj (21ºS -21°N, 144º-216°W) and H-9 Eminescu (21ºS- 21°N, 216°-288º W). Given the importance of Caloris, it is better served by having a basin-centric geologic map. The original extent of the map was 0º-60°N, 165º-230°W, but during mapping we realized that the map needed to extend from 160º- 235°W to cover the entire surrounding dark annulus. This current areal extent best displays the Caloris basin region.
Two Mercury quadrangle maps based on Mariner 10 data cover the eastern third of the Caloris basin: H-8 Tolstoj [1] and H-3 Shakespeare [2]. Several terrain units associated with the Caloris basin were identified and mapped. We have utilized higher resolution MESSENGER data to complete our Caloris basin map, although we have recognized several of the previously mapped geologic units, and continued their use. In addition, new geologic units were identified and mapped in the regions not previously covered by the H-3 and H-8 geologic maps.
References: [1] Schaber G. G. and McCauley J. F. (1980) U.S. Geol. Survey, Map I-1199. [2] Guest J. E. and Greeley R. (1983) U.S. Geol. Survey, Map I-1408.