The advantage of the Strabo data structure is the ability of graph database to link objects in both numerous and complex ways. Rather than relying on a traditional table structure, individual entries of any kind in a graph database contain direct links to related elements allowing better representation of data, where observations may be linked in a discrete but complex manner that cannot be accommodated by a predefined relational table. We further apply the concept of a “Spot” as any observation that characterizes a specific area. This can be anything from a strike and dip measurement of bedding to a collection of observations that define, for example, a fold. In the latter case, the Spot is the fold but holds together spatially resolved relationships between Spots/observations that define the fold (limb and/or hinge orientation and axial planar cleavage). Hence, the Spot concept is completely general and scales to all relationships and observation sets. Therefore, large spatial variations and complex geometries of naturally deformed rocks are quantified and stored in the field. Strabo can integrate seamlessly with the workflow of most geologists if they are willing to move into digital data collection or documentation out of the field. Future efforts will focus on extending Strabo to other sub-disciplines as well as developing a desktop system exploiting the power of graph databases.