Two 1D basin models were constructed from geophysical well log, reflection seismic, and core data. The 1D models are located ~ 35 miles apart and model the geologic evolution from ~ 542 Ma to present day of two mature oil fields in the Northeast Texas Panhandle Morrowan play. Results indicate the Morrowan black shales that encase the sandstone reservoirs are immature source rocks and are not capable of charging the reservoirs locally. Additionally, the time dependent heat flow model was able to predict reservoir temperature accurately and is being used to further understand the diagenetic history of the reservoir and caprock. Moreover, burial history analysis supports cross and up fault transmissibility studies at Farnsworth Unit by modeling reservoir depth at time of faulting and maximum depth of burial, both parameters that can be used to quantify fault transmissibility. These results display the usefulness of 1D basin models for carbon storage site evaluations. 1D basin models can be constructed and simulated relatively quickly and provide analysis of porosity development, temperature evolution, source rock maturity and burial histories, all of which aid understanding of carbon storage capacity, risk of CO2 plume migration, and development of the petroleum system in which the CO2 is stored. Funding for this project is provided by the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) under Award No. DE-FC26-05NT42591.