As dissolved W moves in soils or oxidizing groundwater, its mobility is likely governed primarily by adsorption to particles of Mn, Fe, and Al oxyhydroxides. In addition to how much W adsorbs, a crucial question is how exactly W bonds to particle surfaces and how stable it is in those chemical forms. Preliminary work [5,6] employed EXAFS to determine the structures of surface complexes, but unrealistically large concentrations of W are needed for that technique, especially at environmentally relevant pH, and speciation of W is known to vary strongly with concentration. A new tool is needed to discern adsorption mechanisms at field-relevant concentrations.
We anticipate that W stable isotope ratios are highly sensitive to changes in coordination number and W-O and W-metal bond distances that occur during adsorption reactions. Thus we are conducting experiments to determine W isotope systematics during adsorption to synthetic Mn and Fe oxyhydroxides, beginning at concentrations where adsorption mechanisms can be examined directly using EXAFS. Initial experiments indicate easily resolvable fractionations of Δ183/182W ~ -0.4 ‰ (lighter W sorbed, equilibrium isotope effect). Once the relationships between isotope behavior and adsorption mechanisms are established, we can extend isotope experiments to field-relevant levels, since only 50 nanograms of W are needed for analysis. Eventually we hope to apply W isotopes as a tool for tracking the extent to which adsorption reactions are attenuating migration of W in contaminated settings.
[1] US EPA (2012) Technical Fact Sheet EPA 505-F-11-005. [2] Koutsospyros et al. (2006) J. Hazardous Mat. 136, 1. [3] Miller et al. (2001) Carcinogenesis 22, 115. [4] Kelly et al. (2013) Toxicol. Sciences 131, 434. [5] Hur & Reeder (2012) Amer. Chem. Soc. Abs. ENVR 487. [6] Sun & Bostick (2015) Chem. Geol. 417, 21.