Reconnaissance fieldwork and 8 new SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages suggest that a majority of the batholithic rocks between Palmdale, Fort Irwin, and the Garlock fault (mostly quartz monzodiorite, quartz monzonite, granodiorite, and granite) fall within the 90-83 Ma age range. Although rocks in this area (of several thousand square kilometers) include muscovite-garnet granite lithologies uncommon in the Sierra Nevada or Peninsular Ranges batholiths, the volumetrically dominant granitoids share petrological and geochemical similarities with the coeval high-flux intrusive event of the Sierra Nevada crest. Further to the southeast, near Pearblossom and Victorville, two samples gave younger ages, around 77 Ma. Large intrusions of this age have been previously noted in the Mojave region, but are significantly younger than the youngest Cretaceous intrusions in the Sierra Nevada or Peninsular Ranges batholiths. It is tempting to suppose the emplacement of these 77 Ma intrusions may be related to the near-simultaneous emplacement of the Rand Schist, exposed as little as 25 km away at Portal Ridge. Further study of the western Mojave batholith may elucidate relationships between high-flux magmatism, schist emplacement, and subduction-related triggers.