GSA Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington, USA - 2017

Paper No. 59-5
Presentation Time: 2:45 PM


GIORDAN, Daniele, LOLLINO, Giorgio, ALLASIA, Paolo and WRZESNIAK, Aleksandra, Italian National Research Council, Research Institute for Geo-Hydrological Protection, CNR IRPI Strada delle cacce 73, torino, 10135, Italy,

The process of landslides monitoring can be performed in three steps: i) on site acquisition of physical parameters considered representative for the study of the gravitational process evolution ii) data processing iii) dissemination of monitoring results. In the last decades, significant technological efforts have been concentrated on the first task, resulting in the development of new monitoring systems (e.g.GBinSAR) and in the improvement of existing ones (e.g. robotized total station). One of the most interesting/promising and innovative applications in the field of landslide monitoring is the use of low cost solutions based on optical images. Structure from motion and pixel offset are two techniques that could be used for the acquisition of high-resolution dataset fundamental for the realization of 3D models and displacement maps. If we consider the data-processing (step two), we can find a common problems related to the use of commercial instruments to monitor complex landslides. Usually, these instruments have dedicated and not open-source software, and this can hamper a near real time centralized acquisition and data processing. To overcome this critical aspect we have developed a hybrid system called LANDMON (LANDslide MONitoring Network). LANDMON is able to acquire, to storage and to process monitoring dataset. This system governs also early warning conditions by means of pre-defined displacement thresholds, and the lately developed module performs failure time estimation by means of inverse velocity approach. According to our experience, presently the most underestimated aspect of monitoring process is the dissemination of results. In the era of global communication, the monitoring results cannot be dedicated exclusively to the experts. On the contrary, the direct publication of available dataset may be counterproductive, because the monitoring data often are not presented in user friendly way. For this reason, we have developed a communication strategy based on the use of different document-types that consider the background of stakeholders. Starting from a single page bulletin developed for non-expert receivers (population, authorities, and decision-makers), our communication strategy proposes different solutions that can be used for the efficient management of all available monitoring data.