Extensive clay mineral deposits have been detected on the martian surface and it has been proposed that some of these clays formed by surface weathering. Applying a mass balance approach to martian basalt compositions using weathering parameters from terrestrial basalts, it is possible to estimate the extent of carbon fixation, water sequestration, and dissolved ion leaching that occurred during formation of a given volume of pedogenic clay on Mars.
The results of these calculations suggest that production of one cubic meter of martian clay by basalt weathering would consume 0.6 – 1.5 tonnes of atmospheric CO2 and 0.2-0.3 cubic meters of water and release 1.6-3.9 tonnes of dissolved basalt components. Weathering adequate to draw down 1 bar of martian CO2 would produce the equivalent of a ~20 m thickness of clay over the entire martian surface, or proportionately thicker but less extensive layers. Formation of this amount of clay would consume ~6.7 * 105 km3 of water.
Climate models suggest a thick atmosphere of up to several bars CO2 (mixed with other gases) was necessary to stabilize liquid water on ancient Mars. The results presented here indicate that extensive surficial weathering of the martian crust could have consumed sufficient CO2 to affect climate.