Application of (U-Th)/He thermochronometry to address outstanding Earth science problems requires consideration of the motivating science questions, as well as appropriate sampling strategy, careful sample processing, and detailed target aliquot selection and characterization. Accurate interpretation of (U-Th)/He results, data patterns, and conversion of dates to rates of processes integrates complementary geochemical and/or textural information and independent constraints on the thermal and thus geologic history. Recent advances in our understanding of (U-Th)/He systematics, mass-spectrometry, and development of new (U-Th)/He and 4He/3He tools provide the foundation for interpreting increasingly complex datasets from diverse geologic settings. For example, radiation damage accumulation impacts He diffusivity in the apatite, zircon, and titanite and exerts a fundamental control on closure temperature and (U-Th)/He data patterns. This can be exploited to extract more information about thermal histories.
Here we offer current, new, and future method users from the spectrum of Earth science disciplines a forum to ask questions and discuss these systems, their complexities, and how to best apply these tools to effectively address their science questions. Information on sampling protocols and processing, aliquot selection, and available laboratories will be provided.