The high-grade TBS preserves small, folded domains within a broadly sinistral strike-slip shear zone. Monazite grains within the folded fabrics are high in Y, and are unzoned. Their ~405-385 Ma ages broadly indicate a maximum age for the time of folding, coincident with melting in the NF. Monazite cores from the sheared TBS also have broadly coeval ~405-380 Ma crystallization ages. Monazite rims aligned with the sinistral shear fabric of the TBS are ~345-340 Ma and have higher in Y than the cores. Sinistral shearing within the TBS is interpreted to have continued until this time.
The isoclinally folded gneissic and migmatitic fabrics of the NF are cut by NE-trending sub-vertical NW-side-down shear zones. A sample from one of these shear zones, where it was cut by a NW-side-down ultracataclasite, has high-Y monazite cores of ~410-360 Ma within both the shear zone and ultracataclasite and low-Y overgrowths (~360-330 Ma) in the shear zone, but not in cataclastite. The youngest ages within the NF (~310-305 Ma) come from high-Y rims on monazite grains present only within steeply south-dipping joints.
In summary, sinistral strike-slip and folding within the TBS were coeval, indicative of strain partitioning. The youngest ~345-340 Ma sinistral shear within the TBS is coeval with NW-side-down shear within the NF, suggesting that previously interpreted extrusion of the Nashoba terrane during sinistral convergence continued until later than previously thought. The ~310-305 Ma ages within the NF are interpreted to represent the distal effects of the Alleghanian orogeny, possibly fluids in late-stage fractures. The sparsity of Alleghanian-age monazite is consistent with previous work and an indication that an Alleghanian overprint within the Nashoba terrane is minimal.