Hydrogen bonding is governed by the distance between hydrogen donor and hydrogen acceptor, as well as the electronegativity of the acceptor. Inter-oxygen distances for O(H)-O are linearly related to wavenumber in the OH stretching domain, and compare well with previous studies. O(H)-Cl distances form a similar linear array in that space, but with a different slope as compared to O(H)-O. Libowitzky (1999, Monatshefte Für Chemie) determined, for silicates, empirical relationships between wavenumber and O(H)-O distance. This relationship is very different for phosphates and for O(H)-Cl pairs in apatite group minerals. Conclusions garnered through research into silicate minerals should be extrapolated to phosphate minerals with prudence.
Spectral fitting is improved by recognition of a low-wavenumber feature in the OH stretching region as an OH-O pair. Although previously assigned as an OH-Cl pair, this peak is found in synthetic apatites that exclude chlorine. Oxyapatite is inferred in plasma-sprayed apatite on prosthetics. These data offer a means to recognize and measure O(H)-O pairs, in synthetic and in natural apatite group minerals. The presence of oxygen as a columnar anion also provides a means to reverse anionic ordering sequences along the c-axis, and preserve hexagonal symmetry.