We have five main sampling locations in the Coachella Valley; at two of these we collected fanglomerate samples in black plastic bags at night. Later, in the OSL lab, the fine sand matrix was separated from coarse clasts and then standard mineral preparation methods were employed. In previous studies in southern California quartz luminescence has been shown to work well but in others only feldspar methods were successful. Therefore, we have decided to investigate both quartz and feldspar. We will also perform single grain analysis for both quartz and feldspar grains because the possibility of poor sunlight bleaching during sediment transport is high. Considering dose rate calculations, the heterogeneity in the environment of fanglomerates (composed of fine sand smaller than 90µm up to clasts as big as ~5cm in diameter) will be tackled using high resolution gamma spectrometry analyses and modelling dose rate by DosiVox software package.
Furthermore, we have devised a sampling methodology to enable us to test the accuracy of the fanglomerate dating approach: we collected samples in stratigraphic superposition; targeted fine sand lenses; and one of our fanglomerate sampling sites correlates with existing TCN chronology.
Preliminary results of quartz and feldspar single aliquot analysis will be presented.