The goal of the NSF INCLUDES program is to achieve significant impact at the national scale in transforming STEM so that it is fully and widely inclusive. That will require strong partnerships and collaborations across many sectors, and among many organizations and people in the overall STEM development ecosystem. The first NSF INCLUDES cohorts of grantees were awarded in 2016 and 2017 -- awarded to a wide range of institutions and organizations. These projects – Design and Development Launch Pilots (DDLP) -- had a goal of developing efforts that could form the cornerstone for future endeavors or “next steps.” DDLPs were followed by “on-ramps,” and other efforts to build the INCLUDES effort. The collective impact theory – sharing agendas, activities, measurement and communication – continues to be a key strategy to achieve the desired change. The first-year report is available at the NSF website ( NSF 18-040).
How do you design for equity and inclusion?