Tuesday, 15 May 2018
8:20 AM-10:05 AM

S1. Tectonics of the Death Valley Region I: A Tribute to Bennie Troxel and Lauren Wright
Canyon Room (DoubleTree by Hilton)
8:30 AM-6:30 PM

S4. Jurassic to Cenozoic Geology of Southern California, Southwest Arizona, and Sonora: A Session Honoring Gordon Haxel and Carl Jacobson (Posters)
Outdoor Tents (DoubleTree by Hilton)

S3. Recent Advances in Basin-and-Range and Proterozoic Geology of the Western U.S.: A Session Honoring Ernie Duebendorfer (Posters)
Outdoor Tents (DoubleTree by Hilton)
S2. Cordilleran Core Complexes and Arizona Geology: A Celebration of Jon Spencer's Career (Posters)
Outdoor Tents (DoubleTree by Hilton)
10:20 AM-12:05 PM
S1. Tectonics of the Death Valley Region II: A Tribute to Bennie Troxel and Lauren Wright
Canyon Room (DoubleTree by Hilton)
1:30 PM-3:15 PM
S1. Tectonics of the Death Valley Region III: A Tribute to Bennie Troxel and Lauren Wright
Canyon Room (DoubleTree by Hilton)
3:30 PM-5:15 PM
S1. Tectonics of the Death Valley Region IV: A Tribute to Bennie Troxel and Lauren Wright
Canyon Room (DoubleTree by Hilton)
Wednesday, 16 May 2018
8:20 AM-10:05 AM
S2. Cordilleran Core Complexes and Arizona Geology I: A Celebration of Jon Spencer's Career
Canyon Room (DoubleTree by Hilton)
10:20 AM-12:05 PM
S2. Cordilleran Core Complexes and Arizona Geology II: A Celebration of Jon Spencer's Career
Canyon Room (DoubleTree by Hilton)

S3. Recent Advances in Basin-and-Range and Proterozoic Geology of the Western U.S. I: A Session Honoring Ernie Duebendorfer
Kaibab Room (DoubleTree by Hilton)
1:30 PM-3:15 PM
S2. Cordilleran Core Complexes and Arizona Geology III: A Celebration of Jon Spencer's Career
Canyon Room (DoubleTree by Hilton)

S3. Recent Advances in Basin-and-Range and Proterozoic Geology of the Western U.S. II: A Session Honoring Ernie Duebendorfer
Kaibab Room (DoubleTree by Hilton)
3:30 PM-5:15 PM
S3. Recent Advances in Basin-and-Range and Proterozoic Geology of the Western U.S. III: A Session Honoring Ernie Duebendorfer
Kaibab Room (DoubleTree by Hilton)
Thursday, 17 May 2018
8:20 AM-10:05 AM
S4. Jurassic to Cenozoic Geology of Southern California, Southwest Arizona, and Sonora I: A Session Honoring Gordon Haxel and Carl Jacobson
Canyon Room (DoubleTree by Hilton)
8:30 AM-4:30 PM
S1. Tectonics of the Death Valley Region: A Tribute to Bennie Troxel and Lauren Wright (Posters)
Outdoor Tents (DoubleTree by Hilton)
10:20 AM-12:05 PM
S4. Jurassic to Cenozoic Geology of Southern California, Southwest Arizona, and Sonora II: A Session Honoring Gordon Haxel and Carl Jacobson
Canyon Room (DoubleTree by Hilton)
1:30 PM-3:15 PM