South-Central Section - 52nd Annual Meeting - 2018

Paper No. 13-4
Presentation Time: 9:00 AM


KOPPER, Martha, Arkansas Geological Survey, 3815 West Roosevelt Road, Little Rock, AR 72204

The Arkansas Geological Survey (AGS) participated in the 2017 Earthquake Exercise on a full scale level (FSE) with its local, state and federal partners. The planning component consisted of compliance with the state’s NIMS policy, development of the AGS Clearinghouse and Emergency Operations Plans, Ham Radio training/licensure, earthquake and GIS training. The Clearinghouse Plan was developed by input from multiple partners including CUSEC state geological surveys. The exercise was designed to establish a learning environment for players to exercise the new Clearinghouse Plans, policies, and procedures as they pertained to the M7.7 New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) catastrophic earthquake scenario. This is the first time an information clearinghouse plan has been developed and exercised in the central United States Select GS Clearinghouse steering committee and members were the principle entities responsible for the exercise development, oversight and selection of core capabilities, exercise objectives, targets, and tasks. Those capabilities included Operations Communications, Operations Coordination, Situational Awareness, and Logistics and Supply Chain Management. An After Action Report, designed to identify the strengths and potential areas for improvement was prepared after exercise completion. As this is the first exercise focused on the Clearinghouse for a major earthquake response, the 2017 Earthquake exercise was a success based on player feedback which indicated significant benefit from the scenario, planning and play. The AGS will be collaborating with additional local, state, regional and federal organizations in future planning and exercise efforts.