Call For Session Proposals

GSA Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, USA - 2019

Technical Program Proposals 2019

Thank you for your interest in the GSA Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, USA - 2019 (22-25 September 2019). The GSA annual meetings begin on a Sunday, and end the following Wednesday.

Proposers Please Note: Before you begin to fill out the forms, in addition to text for pasting into memo fields, please have all of the contact information available for ALL of your conveners or advocates (full first and last names, full address and zip, phone, fax, e-mail).

  • Topical Sessions are a combination of volunteered and up to three (3) invited papers submitted to a specific session. Invited speakers may present one additional oral paper or poster at the meeting. Session chairs cannot invite themselves to present.
  • Pardee Keynote Symposia are special sessions that are highly innovative in content and/or format and that consist entirely of invited papers. To attract and creatively engage a large number of attendees, the organizers are allowed maximum flexibility in organizing Pardee sessions. For instance, talks can vary in length; they can be coordinated with discussion and/or posters; Pardee sessions can be coordinated with affiliated topical poster sessions; seating arrangements can be modified; Pardees can be integrated with field trips and workshops; a variety of presentation media can be utilized; Pardee sessions can be coordinated with Penrose conferences. In short, Pardee Symposia are not glorified topical sessions, but are expected to be entirely different in nature. Funds are available to support costs associated with Pardee Symposia; these can be requested on the Pardee Proposal Form. The Annual Program Committee may allocate the funds available to support one or several Pardee Symposia, depending on the merits of the proposal and the anticipated costs of implementing them.
  • NOTE: If a Pardee Keynote Symposia is not accepted, it does not automatically become a topical session. It is permitted to submit a proposal for a topical session on the same topic as a proposed Pardee session. However, the nature of the proposed Pardee session must be innovative in content and/or format to be competitive.
  • Sponsorships: Your proposal will be strengthened by endorsement from sponsors, such as GSA Divisions, Associated Societies, or allied organizations. Please be sure to contact each of your intended sponsors; for example, email the Division Chair to receive their commitment to sponsor your session. Sponsors help to promote sessions they sponsor. Deadline to add sponsorships is 20 February 2019.
  • For more sponsorship and contact information, go to the Divisions and Associated Societies page.


Session Guidelines

Organizers are encouraged to introduce an overview of the topic at the beginning of the session that would be of interest and understandable to fellow scientists who are not in the specialty field, but are interested in the topic. Also, time allocated for discussions is encouraged. For topical sessions, the number of sessions allotted for that topic will depend on the number of abstracts submitted in each presentation mode (oral / poster).

Publication of Technical Session Proceedings

GSA Council requests that proceedings of any technical session sponsored by a GSA Division, and given at a GSA Annual or Section meeting, first be offered to GSA for consideration of publication. As always, submission does not guarantee publication. Acceptance is in the hands of the GSA Books Science Editor and the reviewers. GSA would also like the opportunity to publish sessions sponsored by Associated Societies, but such sessions are not covered under the action of the Council.

For additional information:


Proposal deadline: 11:59 PM, Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Select the link below to submit a proposal to the GSA Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, USA - 2019

  1. Topical Session: Requirements and proposal submission form.
  2. Keynote Symposium: Requirements and proposal submission form.