These biasing effects may be responsible for various manifest inconsistencies in results from decades of ACH studies, such as:
- Gross discrepancies between models of the upper mantle derived from the EarthScope USArray deployment;
- Lack of agreement about the presence or absence of large magma chambers beneath resurgent calderas such as Long Valley and Yellowstone;
- Disagreement about the existence or nature of convective plumes in the upper mantle beneath Iceland, Yellowstone, the Eifel volcanic field, etc.
These biases can be eliminated by generalizing inversion methods to solve for the directions of the incident waves, analogously to solving for source locations in local-earthquake tomography. For planar wavefronts, each source adds three free parameters and the forward problem is particularly simple: The first-order change in arrival time at any point caused by perturbing the incident-wave direction equals the change in the time at the un-perturbed entry point into the study volume.
This fact enables the use of combined data from local and distant events in studying local structure, significantly improving resolution of structure, particularly in places such as volcanic and geothermal areas where seismicity is confined to shallow depths.
Most teleseismic tomography models in the literature probably contain significant artifacts and need to be re-evaluated.