HVSR (horizontal to vertical spectral ratio) passive seismic soundings on the ~4 Ma Kauai Volcano indicate that ~60% of the variability in laterite thickness is due to gradients in mean annual rainfall, with other factors playing important but lesser roles. HVSR is particularly well suited for this environment as it has been shown to reliably detect the base of the weathering profile, is rapid (20 min/sounding), highly portable, and occupies a very small footprint when collecting data. Other array-based methods are challenging due to topography, vegetation, and land access problems.
Comparison of ~4 Ma Kauai and ~2 Ma Oahu weathering profiles suggests that the Oahu laterites are fully formed despite being half the age of Kauai. By contrast, the young laterites on Kohala (~170 to ~300 ka), Hawaii, exhibit greatly contrasting thicknesses, where coastal laterites are thick and interior laterites are thin in regions of equal rainfall. This suggests that early weathering on shield volcanoes produces wedge-shaped bodies that thicken toward the coast. With time, the thick end of the wedge propagates up slope such that a fully-developed, constant thickness laterite carapace can form in ~1 Ma. The development of increased weathering down slope depends on greater water-rock ratios as vertically infiltrating water is diverted laterally due to the high ratio of horizontal-to-vertical permeability. This is a very different view of laterite development, as a function of time and space, compared to the common assumption of a slowly downward migrating saprolite-bedrock interface.