To this end, we developed a simple steady-state mass balance model of the Archean ocean Mo budget that can be used to estimate the seawater concentration of Mo ([Mo]sw) under different scenarios, subject to various constraints including Mo isotope measurements from the geologic record. The model balances Mo input from rivers against Mo burial in three marine sinks: (1) oxic sediments [i.e., those bearing Fe and/or Mn oxides]; (2) suboxic sediments; and (3) euxinic sediments. Because Mo mass balance is underconstrained, we use Monte Carlo analysis to explore distributions of [Mo]SW as a function of variable sediment burial efficiencies, areas of deposition, and total burial fluxes of each type of sediment. We construct a distribution of potential [Mo]SW and the environmental conditions that make them possible, consisting of all scenarios that satisfy constraints from the modern ocean and the geologic record.
We find that in an Archean ocean dominated by anoxic sediments, burial efficiency is high, and [Mo]SW is kept < 5 nM. However, in scenarios in which oxide-containing sediments cover >50% of the deep ocean floor, Mo burial efficiency decreases—thereby increasing the residence time of Mo and allowing [Mo]SW > 5 nM. Such scenarios may be consistent with extensive deposition of Fe oxide particles by photoferrotrophs, or widespread Fe photooxidation, even in anoxic Archean oceans. Further study of the feasibility of such scenarios is critical given the importance for Archean Mo cycling and N2 fixation.