Paper No. 14-4
Presentation Time: 9:20 AM
State geologic surveys are an important employment sector for many geoscientists. Attractions include the research and service focus of geologic surveys and a perceived work/life balance. How are women geoscientists faring in state geological surveys? Although overall staffing of state geological surveys has dropped by about a third since 2012, the percentage of female geoscientists has increased. Women filled 27% of the scientific positions at State Geological Surveys in fiscal year 2015-2016, an increase from the 22% in 2008 (AASG, 2017). This still lags behind the national average of 34% women across the geoscience industry in 2013 (AGI, 2017). Several state surveys remain very male dominated with 10% or less of the scientific staff filled by women. At the Alaska and Wisconsin state geological surveys, however, women fill half of the scientific positions. The State Geologist is a woman at 6 of 48 state geological surveys. At the geological surveys headed by women, women scientists fill a third or more of the positions.