The Turkey Springs Tuff and Bell Top 2 tuff are crystal-poor, while the Hell’s Mesa, South Canyon and Box Canyon tuffs are more crystal-rich. Bell Top 2 Tuff is a rhyolitic ash flow tuff with pumice, quartz and plagioclase, while the Box Canyon, also known as Bell Top 6, is more crystal-rich, but is similar in appearance and mineralogy. The upper-caldera facies member of the Hell’s Mesa Tuff is a rhyolite lithic tuff with quartz, plagioclase and sanidine phenocrysts. Lithic fragments are red crystal-rich rhyolites. South Canyon Tuff is a rhyolite lithic tuff with a red-brown matrix, with quartz phenocrysts. Most of the phenocrysts are extremely weathered, some of which are completely deteriorated. The Turkey Springs is a non-welded, rhyolite ash flow tuff with a light grey matrix, euhedral quartz phenocrysts, and pumice throughout the sample.
Zircons were analyzed with laser ablation ICPMS for U/Pb geochronology to determine the magmatic age of six of the tuffs. The Bell Top 2 erupted at 36 Ma with a U/Pb magmatic age of 36.73 ±0.41 Ma. The Bell Top 4 erupted at 34.96 ±0.04 Ma with a U/Pb magmatic age of 34.5 ±0.5 Ma. The Box Canyon Tuff erupted at 33.51 ±0.13 Ma and a U/Pb age of 33.41 ±0.22 Ma. It is suggested for both tuffs that magma residence was short and do not overlap between tuffs. The Hells Mesa tuff erupted at 31.94 ±0.17 Ma with U/Pb age of 32.63 ±0.85 Ma. An unknown tuff from the Socorro area has a U/Pb age of 35.10 ±1.2 Ma, which is similar to eruption ages of both the tuffs of Farr Ranch and Rock House Canyon, which contain 39Ar/40Ar ages of 34.42 ±0.12 Ma or 34.57 ±0.13 Ma, respectively. The South Canyon Tuff erupted at 27.36 ±0.07 Ma and U/Pb magmatic age of 27.8 ±2 Ma; and the last erupted tuff in the MDVF, the tuff of Turkey Springs erupted at age of 24.33 ±0.3 Ma. This tuff produced a single zircon crystal with an age of 25.6 ±1.7 Ma. Similar to the Las Cruces area tuffs, these tuff are suggested have short residence times with zircon crystallization that dos not overlap between tuffs.